Lavender grind


Lavender grind was inspired by a special characteristic of terracotta to absorb and keep scents, discovered centuries ago when perfumes were too strong to put directly on skin so they were put on small terracotta plates and carried inside clothes. The grind is a modern interpretation of this old custom, now used for air scenting. The non-glazed surface absorbs lavender essential oils produced by grinding, making it an all natural, ecological air freshener with additional decorative feature. All three models are designed ergonomically, so they fit well in hand and are easy to use. Put a small quantity of lavender in the bowl, grind it gently and just leave it there smelling divinely.

Hand made by disabled persons in URIHO – Institution for Rehabilitation of disabled persons in Zagreb. Not for grinding edible herbs.

Design: Extra Ordinary Design
Material: terracotta ceramic
Dimensions: 8x10 cm
Ships in: 2-4 work days
Weight0.5 kg

long handle, short handle, round


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